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The Record

Council hears complaints about paid parking

BY STACY SOBOTKA Romeo residents were not happy about paid parking coming to downtown Romeo, and they had their say during public comment portion of the Romeo Board of Trustees meeting March 17. Paid parking…

Bruce Township car chase ends with a gunshot

BY LARRY SOBCZAK EDITOR A man is facing multiple felony charges for leading police on a high-speed chase on March 16 from Shelby Township to Bruce Township, ending in a gunshot from police. Michael Robert…

Water and sewer budgets improve

BY STACY SOBOTKA Bruce Township Supervisor Mike Fillbrook said the fund balances for water and sewer are improving as the board of trustees discussed the 2025-26 fiscal year budget at their meeting March 19. Fillbrook…

Library contract extended through December

BY LARRY SOBCZAK EDITOR The Rochester Hills Public Library (RHPL) and the Oakland Township Library Board have reached a temporary agreement to extend their library services contract through December. Oakland Township has had a longtime…

Library supporters express frustration over rent

BY STACY SOBOTKA The Ray Township Board of Trustees is continuing to receive backlash from increasing the Ray Township Library’s rent. Residents shared their dislike at the March 18 meeting. Ray Township Library Director Christy…

Council addresses confusing parking sign

BY STACY SOBOTKA The signs that direct visitors to parking lots in the Village of Armada has left some confused. The issue was addressed at the Armada Village Council March 10. Armada Chamber of Commerce…

Driver crackdown coming in April

There’s a crackdown on speeding and distracted driving on highways coming to northern Macomb County in April. Jim Santelli of Transportation Improvement Association, a quasi-governmental organization which focuses on traffic safety, gave a presentation to…

Sports notes…

Romeo High School senior Aedan Rocha signed his letter of intent to play football at Kalamazoo College. He intends to study computer science. Romeo High School senior Kendall Shaw signed her letter of intent to…

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