DECEMBER 28 ISSUE ANSWERS: The photo is Elizabeth Clark Douglas who came to Romeo from England in 1834 at the age of 14 months. Arriving in Romeo in 1834 she lived with her family in a log cabin. When she grew up, she married the village dentist, Issac Douglas, and lived in the house/dentist office on North Main Street across from the Opera House/Masonic Temple. Later she lived on North Bailey Street. Both homes still remain. This is the second part of her letter she wrote in 1924 when she was 92 years old: Father got mother and me on a boat and it was sent adrift. They had large sea chests to carry their goods in, but they all had to be left behind on the ship. Father had a large grain sack holding five bushels, so he filled that crowded full and tied it up, then he put his Bible and two hymn books in one pocket of his overcoat and filled the other with seabiscuits and got on a boat with it, but the boat was too heavily loaded and a sailor began to throw things overboard. Someone said, “Hold, that is all this man has.” But the angry sailor said, “The boat is too heavy loaded. We are going to the devil and the first man that objects I’ll pitch him after them.” Father said he knew the man had a mind to do it so he kept still. He had worked for the money that bought