Pres. Coenen called meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance recited. Council members present at roll call: Coenen, Clark, Stirrett, Barzyk, Adair, and Boelke. Absent: Shall. Also present: Clerk Poulos, Treasurer Porter, Stacy Sobotka, Rhosan J. Beatham Zebelian, Courtney J. Ward, AnnMarie Lieto, and Kevin Grand.
COUNCIL ACTION: Unanimously approved Agenda as presented. Heard and Received: Treasurer’s Report and Code Enforcement Reports for February, 2025; Verbal Reports from the Water Commissioner, Street Administrator, Sewer Commissioner, Trustee Adair, President ProTem, and the Clerk. Approved the Consent Agenda as presented: RCM Minutes of 02/10/25 approved as presented; Payment of Bills totaling $52,249.71 as presented. Unanimously approved: to adopt the Resolution confirming the special assessment roll for the purpose of defraying Police Protection Costs in the Armada Village Police Special Assessment District and directing further proceedings for the collection and distribution of the special assessment levy on the taxable value of all lands and premises in the District; to approve the agreement extension from Revize in the amount of $1,200.00 and to allow the Clerk to sign on the Village’s behalf. Unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m. A Complete text of minutes is available for public inspection at the Clerk’s office during regular business hours.
Michelle Poulos, MiPMC, CMMC
Armada Village Clerk
Publish: 3/19/25