Supervisor Krotche called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Nikkel, Goetzinger, Swiacki, Job, Krotche
Held public hearing for Truth in Budgeting.
Approved: Agenda as amended. Consent agenda items as presented. Fire Department: Purchase of 2025 Ford F-350 Utility Truck, MERS Compensation Addendum, additional payment of $125,000 for 2022 Braun Ambulance. FY24/25 Fire and General budget amendments. Township operating millage .7235, Fire special assessment millage 3.25, Fire ALS millage 2.25. Fire and Township FY25/26 budgets. Wage increase: Deputy Treasurer, Deputy Clerk and Part-time fire department personnel. Board of Trustee wage resolution for FY25/26. Zoning Board of Appeals appointments: Randy Finlay and Kevin Grand. Building department fillable permit applications and fee schedule. Wade Trim, three-year planning agreement. Changed May Board of Trustees meeting date from Wednesday, May 12 to Thursday, May 8 at 7pm. BS&A training for Tax/General Ledger/Accounts Payable/Cash Receipting in the amount of $2,200. Hired Camille Finlay as bookkeeper.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
A complete copy of minutes is available at the Armada Township Hall or on the Armada Township website at
Mary K. Swiacki, CMMC, MiPMC
Armada Township Clerk
Publish: 3/19/25