Pres. Coenen called meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance recited. Council members present at roll call: Clark, Boelke, Adair, Barzyk, and Stirrett. Absent: Coenen, Shall. Also present: Clerk Poulos, Treasurer Porter, Kevin Grand, and Stacy Sobotka.
COUNCIL ACTION: Unanimously approved Agenda as presented. Heard and/or received; the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of 1/20/25 and the recommended DDA Budget for FY 25/26 and verbal reports from the Sewer Commissioner and the Street Administrator. Unanimously Approved the Consent Agenda as presented: RCM Minutes of 02/10/25 approved as presented and Payment of Bills totaling $328,727.26 as presented. Unanimously Approved: to accept the Water Reliability Study From Rowe Professional Services, Inc. and to place on file; to accept the Wellhead Evaluation from WSP USA, Inc. and to place on file. Unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 7:21 p.m. A Complete text of minutes is available for public inspection at the Clerkâs office during regular business hours.
Michelle Poulos, MiPMC, CMMC
Armada Village Clerk
Publish: 3/5/25