A regular meeting of the Charter Township of Oakland Board of Trustees was called to order on Tuesday, February 25th, 2025 at 7:01 PM in the Township Hall, 4393 Collins Rd, Rochester, MI.
PRESENT: Robin Buxar, Supervisor; Dave Mabry, Clerk; John Giannangeli, Treasurer; Emily Campbell, Trustee; John Casadei, Trustee; Jack Elder, Trustee; Jeanne Langlois,
1. To approve the agenda as presented.
2. To approve the consent agenda as read.
3. To approve budget amendment #25-07 for the Historic District Commission to withdraw $10,000 from its fund balance into the Publicly Owned Structures and Land account 270-901-975.010, budget reserve item 270-931-699.000.
4. To approve Resolution #25-05 and to authorize the clerk to sign it.
5. To appoint Andy Zale to the Safety Paths Committee, with a term to expire May, 2028.
6. To appoint Anthony Scaccia to the Planning Commission, with a term to expire September 2027.
7. To approve the building department interior storage shelving purchase from Andy’s Exteriors, LLC, in the amount of $6,300.
8. To adjourn the meeting at 7:44 p.m.
The foregoing is a summary of proposed minutes. Complete proceedings of these minutes are available in the Township Hall, 4393 Collins Road, during regular business hours, Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Dave Mabry, Clerk
Charter Township of Oakland
Publish: 3/5/25