Supervisor Krotche called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Nikkel, Goetzinger, Job, Swiacki and Krotche
Approved: Agenda as amended. Consent agenda items as presented. Decker Agency Property/Liability one year renewal. 2025 Poverty Exemption Guidelines and Asset Test. SEMCOG Delegate and Alternate. Hall repair by The Brick Guys. Tree remove by Kappen. Appointed Alex Patchak to Planning Commission. Wade Trim Inc. to update Recreation Master Plan, FY24/25 budget amendments. Ronald Gair Farms LLC 3-year farmland lease. Appointed: Fire Station Feasibility Study Committee members and Zoning Ordinance Subcommittee members.
Meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.
A complete copy of minutes is available at the Armada Township Hall or on the Armada Township website at
Mary K. Swiacki, CMMC, MiPMC
Armada Township Clerk
Publish: 2/19/25