Pres. Coenen called meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance recited. Council members present at roll call: Coenen, Clark, Stirrett, Barzyk, Adair, and Boelke. Absent: Shall and Stirrett. Also present: Clerk Poulos, Treasurer Porter, Stacy Sobotka, Ben R. Delecke, Gaylene Barker, Stacy Sobotka, AnnMaire Lieto, and Kevin Grand.
COUNCIL ACTION: Unanimously approved Agenda as presented. Heard and Received: Treasurer’s Report and Code Enforcement Reports for January, 2025; Verbal Reports from the Water Commissioner and President Pro Tem for the Sewer Commissioner, and the Street Administrator. Approved the Consent Agenda as presented: RCM Minutes of 01/27/25 approved as presented; Payment of Bills totaling $53,419.38 as presented. Unanimously approved: to approve the MML Liability and Property Pool renewal for the 2025-2026 term for a cost not to exceed $53,569.00; to comply with the President’s recommendation to appoint Kevin Grand to the Planning Commission to a term ending December 31, 2027, subject to the appointee meeting the qualifications set forth in Chapter II of the General Law Village Act; to comply with the President’s recommendation to appoint Al Padyjasek to the Planning Commission to a term ending December 31, 2027, subject to the appointee meeting the qualifications set forth in Chapter II of the General Law Village Act; to comply with the President’s recommendation to appoint Kevin Grand to the Zoning Board of Appeals to a term ending December 31, 2027, subject to the appointee meeting the qualifications set forth in Chapter II of the General Law Village Act; to comply with the President’s recommendation to appoint Dennis LeMieux to the Zoning Board of Appeals to a term ending December 31, 2027, subject to the appointee meeting the qualifications set forth in Chapter II of the General Law Village Act; to approve Change Order Number 2 for the Simons Street and First Street Paving Project, authorizing payment of an additional $5,821.15 to Teltow Contracting, Inc. and to authorize the Street Administrator to sign on the Village’s behalf; to approve Change Order Number 3 for the Simons Street and First Street Paving Project, authorizing payment of an additional $2,984.00 to Teltow Contracting, Inc. and to authorize the Street Administrator to sign on the Village’s behalf; to approve the budget amendment for the Municipal Street Fund – increase- transfer to Local Street Fund in the amount of $26,000.00 to cover additional construction costs for First and Simons Streets which brings the total estimated fund balance for the Municipal Street Fund from $101,416.74 to $75,406.74; to approve the budget amendments for the Local Street Fund – increase – transfer from Municipal Street Fund in the amount of $26,000.00 as presented and increase Professional Services Engineering in the amount of $26,000.00 to cover additional construction costs for First and Simons Streets which doesn’t change the total estimate fund balance of the Local Street Fund. Unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 p.m. A Complete text of minutes is available for public inspection at the Clerk’s office during regular business hours.
Michelle Poulos, MiPMC, CMMC
Armada Village Clerk
Publish: 2/19/25