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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Washington Township Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Monday January 6th, 2025 at 6:30 p.m., at 57900 Van Dyke, Washington Township Michigan 48094 in the Board Room at the Washington Township Municipal Building. The purpose of this meeting is to consider an appeal by:

Washington Township FC Property LLC Salwan Shina

20250 W. Seven Mile Road

Detroit, MI 48219

By reason of:

1. Washington Township Zoning Ordinance, Article 5.0 Site Standards, Section 5.12 Off Street Parking and Loading Requirements; F. Off Street parking space layout standards, construction and maintenance, 4. Parking area setbacks shall be measured from the centerline of each right of way, property located within the GC and LC Zoning Districts shall be required to add an additional ten (10) feet to the applicable parking area setback requirement, (Van Dyke)

2. Washington Township Zoning Ordinance, Article 5.0 Site Standards, Section 5.12 Off Street Parking and Loading Requirements; F. Off Street parking space layout standards, construction and maintenance, 4. Parking area setbacks shall be measured from the centerline of each right of way, property located within the GC and LC Zoning Districts shall be required to add an additional ten (10) feet to the applicable parking area setback requirement, (31 Mile Road).

3. Washington Township Zoning Ordinance, Article 5.0 Site Standards, Section 5.12 Off Street Parking and Loading Requirements; H. Parking lot and frontage landscaping requirements, 1. Interior parking lot landscaping, b. All off-street parking areas shall incorporate and provide curbed tree planting spaces to be laid out square and constructed to provide not less than one hundred and forty-four (144) square feet of land area for each tree planting. These curbed islands shall be planted with sod (landscape rock, gravel, or other similar material is prohibited) and shall not be less than eight (8) feet in width.

4. Washington Township Zoning Ordinance, Article 5.0 Site Standards, Section 5.12 Off Street Parking and Loading Requirements; F. Off Street parking space layout standards, construction and maintenance, 2. Plans for the layout of an off-street parking area shall have dimensions consistent with the following standards: a. Ninety-degree pattern: Parking spaces and maneuvering lanes shall be provided with a minimum space width of ten (10) feet, a minimum space length of twenty (20) feet, and a minimum maneuvering lane width of twenty-six (26) feet.

Purpose of request:

1. To request a variance, which if granted would allow a parking setback off of Van Dyke to be 61.4ft, the ordinance requires a minimum setback of 90ft.

2. To request a variance, which if granted would allow a parking setback off of 31 Mile Road to be 62.8ft, the ordinance requires a minimum setback of 90ft.

3. To request a variance, which if granted would allow a minimum curb island width of 4.4ft, the ordinance requires a minimum of 8ft.

4. To request a variance, which if granted would allow a 90-degree parking minimum maneuvering aisle width of 24ft, the ordinance requires a minimum width of 26ft.

Property in Question:

Parcel: 24-04-11-126-013

Address: 66998 Van Dyke

Location: SE Corner of 31 Mile and Van Dyke

This project does not have site plan approval, the applicant is attending the ZBA prior to submitting the site plan/special land use requests for review by the Planning Commission.

All property owners within 300 feet are being notified. The public may participate in the meeting by attending in person or sending a representative to attend for them. A copy of the full submittal package is available for review on the Planning and Zoning Department Page on the Township Website, side tab labeled Upcoming ZBA Agenda Items. The Township Website is:

Michele Milam, Secretary

Washington Township ZBA

Publish: 12/18/24

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