Supervisor Krotche called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Nikkel, Goetzinger, Job, Swiacki and Krotche
Approved: Agenda as amended. Consent agenda items as presented. 2025 Board of Trustees, Planning Commission and budget workshop meeting dates. 2025 Summer Tax Agreements. Annual Exemption Public Act 152 of 2011. Community Development Block Grant Public Hearing for January 8 at 7 pm. Deputy Supervisor wage set at $17.50. Code Official Hire – Timothy Falk, monthly salary $800. Hired Katie Poulos, building administrator. Hired Michell Bailey, planning and zoning administrator. 3-year contract renewal with Priority Waste LLC for transfer site services. Cancelled GoToMeeting access. Approved purchase of iPads for board members not to exceed $450 for those that want them.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
A complete copy of minutes is available at the Armada Township Hall or on the Armada Township website at
Mary K. Swiacki, CMMC, MiPMC
Armada Township Clerk
Publish: 12/18/24