Supervisor Paterek called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Murray, Goetzinger, Job, Swiacki, Paterek Absent: None
Approved: Agenda as amended. Consent agenda items as presented. FY24/25 Fire Dept budget amendment(s), accepted resignation from firefighter Joshua Linkewitz, increased full time firefighter/paramedic wage from $17.31 to $17.50, hired Mackenzie Short full time firefighter/paramedic, approved plaque layout from Mid-Michigan Monument for township park donations, accepted resignation Cris Martin Building/Planning Administrator, approved Deputy Treasurer hourly wage at $17.50, approved for attorney to file rebuttal for Boo Boo’s Boneyard with the Supreme Court of Appeals. Meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.
A complete copy of minutes is available at the Armada Township Hall or on the Armada Township website at
Mary K. Swiacki, CMMC, MiPMC
Armada Township Clerk
Publish: 10/16/24