APRIL 17 ISSUE ANSWERS: When this somewhat tattered Romeo Chautauqua poster was uncovered in the Romeo Historical Society Archives Museum, little did we know of its value in telling us of our community’s history. Just what is a Chautauqua? A circuit or tent Chautauqua had its beginnings in the Lyceum Movement which started in Massachusetts as early as 1826 and in the Chautauqua assemblies held at Lake Chautauqua, N.Y. beginning in 1874. The idea behind the Lyceum Movement was for self-improvement or adult education in America through lectures, performances, debates, noted lecturers, entertainers, classes, readers, and discussions on scientific, literary or moral topics. Later bureaus were established as commercial ventures. Among them was Red Path Lyceum Bureau established by James C. Redpath in 1868.