JUNE 15 ISSUE ANSWERS (photo to right): “This was the old brick school that was built in Armada in 1836 and replaced in 1929 by the two-story part of the elementary school on Burk Street. When the front was built, there was one room downstairs and one room upstairs. Later an addition was built onto the back with two rooms down stairs and four rooms upstairs.” Written by someone named Earle. Found in the Armada library. This was a postcard sent to Miss Grace Eurey who lived in Pontiac. Hazel sent the card to Grace. Hazel writes that she is “leaving Romeo at five o’clock and she will reach Pontiac at seven, I think.” The post mark date is blurred. My guess is that Hazel left Romeo on the Grand Trunk Railroad to Pontiac instead of the D.U.R. streetcar. D.U.R. would require Hazel to travel first to Detroit. The Grand Trunk seems to be a shorter route. Richard Beringer, Romeo Historical Society staff