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PUBLIC NOTICE MEETING SUMMARY CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OAKLAND BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 2021 A regular meeting of the Charter Township of Oakland Board of Trustees was called to order on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 7:00 PM via video conference GoToMeeting. PRESENT: Dominic Abbate, Supervisor; Robin Buxar, Clerk; John Giannangeli, Treasurer; Jack Elder, Trustee; Dave Mabry, Trustee; Lana Mangiapane, Trustee; Andy Zale, Trustee ABSENT: None THE FOLLOWING MOTIONS WERE MADE AND PASSED: 1. To approve the agenda as presented. 2. To approve the Consent Agenda as read. 3. To refer the Verizon Wireless communication facility back to the Planning Commission. 4. To approve the allocation of the PY 2021 Community Development Block Grant funds in the approximate amount of $22,828 as follows: $3,500 to battered and abused spouses, $19,328 to mobile home minor repair which totals, $22,828 and authorize the Supervisor to sign the application and the conflict-of-interest certification, and submit the documents to Oakland County. 5. To approve payment not to exceed $565,000 to All Star Power Excavating, LLC and PEA Group for the construction and engineering services for the Silverbell/Gallagher/PCT Path. 6. To not add any alternates to the SPTC at this time. 7. To adjourn the meeting at 8:08 PM. The foregoing is a summary of proposed minutes. Complete proceedings of these minutes are available in the Township Hall, 4393 Collins Road, during regular business hours, Monday Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Robin Buxar, Clerk Charter Township of Oakland Publish: 3/3/21

PUBLIC NOTICE MEETING SUMMARY CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OAKLAND BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 2021 A regular meeting of the Charter Township of Oakland Board of Trustees was called to order on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 7:00 PM via video conference GoToMeeting. PRESENT: Dominic Abbate, Supervisor; Robin Buxar, Clerk; John Giannangeli, Treasurer; Jack Elder, Trustee; Dave Mabry, Trustee; Lana Mangiapane, Trustee; Andy Zale, Trustee ABSENT: None THE FOLLOWING MOTIONS WERE MADE AND PASSED: 1. To approve the agenda as presented. 2. To approve the Consent Agenda as read. 3. To refer the Verizon Wireless communication facility back to the Planning Commission. 4. To approve the allocation of the PY 2021 Community Development Block Grant funds in the approximate amount of $22,828 as follows: $3,500 to battered and abused spouses, $19,328 to mobile home minor repair which totals, $22,828 and authorize the Supervisor to sign the application and the conflict-of-interest certification, and submit the documents to Oakland County. 5. To approve payment not to exceed $565,000 to All Star Power Excavating, LLC and PEA Group for the construction and engineering services for the Silverbell/Gallagher/PCT Path. 6. To not add any alternates to the SPTC at this time. 7. To adjourn the meeting at 8:08 PM. The foregoing is a summary of proposed minutes. Complete proceedings of these minutes are available in the Township Hall, 4393 Collins Road, during regular business hours, Monday Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Robin Buxar, Clerk Charter Township of Oakland Publish: 3/3/21

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