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FEB. 12 ISSUE ANSWERS: John L. Proctor bought land where he lived in section 31 of Armada Township Oct. 11, 1824. Proctor constructed both a grist mill and a trip saw mill in section 1 of Washington Township. These mills would have been on a small stream connecting with East Pond Creek which ran into the North Branch of the Clinton River. Across from these mills is the present Proctor Cemetery. A trip saw mill was the step up from the old pit saw in which a sawyer stood down in a rectangular pit while another sawyer stood above on the ground level. The sawyer on top pulled up with the saw and the sawyer in the pit pulled down. The one below had the easier job, but was covered with saw dust. Many history museums show this with a large saw horse up in the air so a pit didn’t have to be dug with tourists falling in the hole. This doesn’t make sense since the heavy log would have to be lifted above ground. OSHA?

FEB. 12 ISSUE ANSWERS: John L. Proctor bought land where he lived in section 31 of Armada Township Oct. 11, 1824. Proctor constructed both a grist mill and a trip saw mill in section 1 of Washington Township. These mills would have been on a small stream connecting with East Pond Creek which ran into the North Branch of the Clinton River. Across from these mills is the present Proctor Cemetery. A trip saw mill was the step up from the old pit saw in which a sawyer stood down in a rectangular pit while another sawyer stood above on the ground level. The sawyer on top pulled up with the saw and the sawyer in the pit pulled down. The one below had the easier job, but was covered with saw dust. Many history museums show this with a large saw horse up in the air so a pit didn’t have to be dug with tourists falling in the hole. This doesn’t make sense since the heavy log would have to be lifted above ground. OSHA?

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