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JUNE 19 ISSUE ANSWERS: This next series about Early Romeo Women will be written from combined sources and garnered from stories of the past. The tragedy is many more women were worthy of writing about but were hidden behind their husbands or other men’s accomplishments. No dishonor is meant to men. It was the ignorance of the ages to assume women were too feeble, too emotional, too lacking in intelligence to be included in major decisions, science, or politics. However, reading these early stories shows this mistaken thinking about early woman that is gradually disappearing through the ages. They were extremely brave, courageous, wise, independent thinkers and compassionate, in most cases. Unfortunately, in a lot of our history we know who the first trustees were: the lawyers, the first land surveyors, the first supervisors of schools, politicians, and landowners were all male. Women weren’t allowed to own land until after the Civil War when too many men were unfortunately killed in battle. They weren’t allowed to vote until 1920. Macomb County History was written by M. A. Leeson in 1882, 60 years after the first Romeo English speaking settlers. This is a 700 page book published in 1882 about Macomb County. It took years to research it. Cynthia Bailey (1798-1881) was alive during the writing of

JUNE 19 ISSUE ANSWERS: This next series about Early Romeo Women will be written from combined sources and garnered from stories of the past. The tragedy is many more women were worthy of writing about but were hidden behind their husbands or other men’s accomplishments. No dishonor is meant to men. It was the ignorance of the ages to assume women were too feeble, too emotional, too lacking in intelligence to be included in major decisions, science, or politics. However, reading these early stories shows this mistaken thinking about early woman that is gradually disappearing through the ages. They were extremely brave, courageous, wise, independent thinkers and compassionate, in most cases. Unfortunately, in a lot of our history we know who the first trustees were: the lawyers, the first land surveyors, the first supervisors of schools, politicians, and landowners were all male. Women weren’t allowed to own land until after the Civil War when too many men were unfortunately killed in battle. They weren’t allowed to vote until 1920. Macomb County History was written by M. A. Leeson in 1882, 60 years after the first Romeo English speaking settlers. This is a 700 page book published in 1882 about Macomb County. It took years to research it. Cynthia Bailey (1798-1881) was alive during the writing of

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